Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Tuesday Sept. 6

Today was a pretty good day on the homefront. I had to wake up at 4am to get to work by 5am. Pulled my shift, then went to go swim. Was unable to swim @ 10:30am so I just chilled until I had to teach my spin class @ 12pm. Taught the class, had a great time, then rode with a friend of mine named Carey ( not to be confused with my girlfriend Carrie). Grabbed some food and headed to the pool for a light 2000y swim. Met with a client @ 4pm, then finally got back to the hizzie.
I've been feeling really wiped today sans nap. So I just got here to chill out. Carrie ( you guessed it, my girlfriend) called from Gulfport to tell me that she had found some people who knew me and my family. Carrie is there covering the hurricane for the St. Pete Times. When I was a kid, I thought that my dad knew everyone in Mississippi. Turns out, he just about does. I'm fortunate that I came from a great family that has made friends with just about everyone we've met. Please send thoughts and prayers, the way of our beloved Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi.
Totals- Swim: 2000y, Bike: 1.5 hrs

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